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"Global Debt is not Owned by Humans", Claims Former Wall Steet Banker

The fiat money scheme that enslaves humanity makes such little sense that a Wall Street banker, in attempting to understand why so many trillions of dollars evaporate into thin air each and every year, with no accountability whatsoever, has claimed that the human race must be paying debt to aliens. Is the world economy a closed system, as we have been taught, or is it actually an open system? In other words, are the world’s financial elite conducting transactions with off-planet entities, enslaving the human race to unseen actors? The world’s people are held in perpetual bondage to the fiat currency money masters who have saddled us with absolutely insurmountable debt obligations which are mathematically impossible to repay. At present, the CIA estimates the total global debt to be nearing $90 trillion. In 2013, according to the CIA’s World Factbook, the GWP totalled approximately US $87.25 trillion in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), and around US $74.31 trillion in nominal terms. The gross world product, the nominal value of planetary human endeavor per year, was recently estimated at $78 trillion, meaning nearly an entire year of the productivity of every man, woman and child on planet earth, some 7.4 billion people, is owed to someone, but who exactly no one really knows for sure. How is this possible?

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