Billions of Potentially Earth-Like Worlds Across Milky Way
Our home galaxy the Milky Way has a radius of 34 kiloparsecs (110,000 light years) and contains 100 to 400 billion (B) stars.
The Stellar Neighborhood is a small region at a distance of 8.33 kiloparsecs (27,200 light years) from its center.
Estimated Number of Habitable Worlds* 40B - 49B
Around M-Dwarf Stars Around Solar-like Stars 38B - 46B 2B - 3B
* B = billions
Scientists Conclude Milky Way Could Hold "Billions" of Planets in the Habitable Zone
Number of potentially habitable planets in our galaxy: Tens of billions
The Milky Way's 100 Billion Planets
Clips, images credit: ESO, ESA/HUBBLE & NASA
Music credit: YouTube Audio Library