Galactic Superwave Outburst Alert
A superwave cosmic ray burst that is not detectable above cosmic background levels but which carries a gamma ray burst and gravity wave pulse at its forefront, would likely produce seismic and EMP effects much stronger than the December 2004 earthquake and gamma ray burst.
In 1983 Paul LaViolette presented evidence to the scientific community indicating that: Galactic core explosions actually occur about every 13,000 - 26,000 years for major outbursts and more frequently for lesser events.
This is a largely unknown subject that is black-out in the mainstream media for obvious reasons.
That is the "fact" that our solar system's 26,000 year orbit -- through the galaxy -- is a twisted elliptical orbit that is more like a figure 8 course through the Photon Belt in the nexus of that "8" every 13,000-26,000 years... just as Paul LaViolette said... when major outbursts occurred.
In his dissertation, LaViolette proposed that a superwave produced by an explosion of our Galaxy's core could be immediately preceded by a very strong gamma ray pulse, 10,000 times stronger than what could come from a supernova explosion. He pointed out that upon impacting our upper atmosphere this burst could strip electrons and induce a powerful electromagnetic pulse which, like a high-altitude nuclear EMP, could have serious consequences for modern society.
He was among the few to suggest that Galactic core explosions could produce high intensity gamma ray outbursts that could affect the Earth.
In 1989, under the sponsorship of the Starburst Foundation, LaViolette initiated an international outreach project, to warn about the dangers of such astronomical phenomena.
He pointed out that our Galactic center could produce seriously disruptive low intensity outbursts as frequently as once every 500 years and that we are currently overdue for one.
This was the first time a widespread gamma ray pulse warning of this sort had been made.
The Galactic Superwave URL at:
Confirmation of the Superwave Theory in Seyfert Galaxy IRAS17020+4544
A Milky Way twin swept by an ultra-fast X-ray wind
Seyfert galaxy
Clips, images credit: ESO, ESA/HUBBLE & NASA