Grand Parade of the Five Visible Planets 24-25 of January
On January 24 a grand parade of planets starts at dusk and ends before the sun comes up on January 25.
You can see all five bright planets visible to the eye alone. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn.
Catch the two evening planets – Venus and Mars - just after sunset. They’ll soon follow the sun below the western horizon.
The King planet Jupiter rises in the east in the middle of the night and can be found high in the sky before dawn. You can also see Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo.
Moon, Mercury and Saturn can be found in the east before dawn. Look for the thin waning crescent moon, the ringed planet Saturn and Mercury as the predawn darkness gives way to dawn.
Clips, images credit: ESO, ESA/HUBBLE & NASA/JPL