Bright Green Fireball seen over IL, WI, IN, OH, MI, IA, NY, Ontario, KY, MN and MO
Credit:Lisle, IL Police Department
IMO received 193 reports about a fireball seen over IL, WI, IN, OH, MI, IA, NY, Ontario, KY, MN and MO on Monday, February 6th 2017 around 07:26 UT.
Credit: International Meteor Organization
Over 190 reports from IL, WI, MI, IN, OH, IA, NY, Ontario, KY and MN The AMS has received over 185 reports so far (and counting…) about of a fireball event over seen over Wisconsin on Monday, February 6th 2017 around 01:27CST (07:27 UT.). The green fireball was seen primarily from Illinois and Wisconsin but witnesses from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Iowa, New York, Kentucky, Minessota and Ontario (Canada) also reported the event.
Credit: American Meteor Society