G2 (Moderate) Geomagnetic Storm Observed - Northern and Southern Lights
As expected, a high speed solar wind stream arrived past Earth within the past 24 hours and is currently responsible for Moderate (G2) geomagnetic storming at higher latitudes. Additional periods of storming will remain possible over the next day or so while the stream is geoeffective. Sky watchers at high latitudes should be alert for visible aurora.
The solar wind remains high above 700 km/s and this is helping to prolong the ongoing geomagnetic disturbance. A minor (G1) geomagnetic storm watch will remain in place for the next several hours.
NORTHERN AND SOUTHERN LIGHTS: Today, G1-class geomagnetic storms are in progress as Earth moves through a stream of fast-moving solar wind. As a result, bright auroras are circling both of Earth's poles.
A G1 (Minor) geomagnetic storm warning has been extended through 02/1500 UTC due to the CH HSS influences.
Clip, images credit: NASA/SDO, NOAASWPC, spaceweather.com & solarham.com