A Massive 'Coronal Hole' on the Sun is blasting Earth with Solar Storms
A moderate (G2) geomagnetic storm is currently in progress due to a high speed solar wind stream above 700 km/s. More storming is expected over the next several days as a coronal hole stream rattles our geomagnetic field.
G2 - Moderate geomagnetic storm, aurora seen as far south as Colorado. Sky watchers at middle to high latitudes should be alert for visible aurora during the next several nights. http://www.solarham.net/
Show's not over. G1 and G2-class geomagnetic storms are underway on April 23rd as Earth moves through a high speed solar wind stream . http://www.spaceweather.com/
G2 (Moderate) Geomagnetic Storms Expected to Continue -23 April 2017 http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/
Clips, images credit: NOAA/SWPC, NASA/SDO, ESA/HUBBLE & ESO